Dog Dental Health - What You Need To Know

Keeping your dog healthy includes taking care of their oral hygiene. Through cleaning and diet, you can be on the right path to ensuring your dog is not exposed to the risk of oral diseases at any stage in their life. Dogs use their mouths for more than just eating, they use them to play, explore and taste, therefore it is vital to consistently check they are healthy. 

We’ve put together some of the ways you can check that your dog’s oral hygiene is excellent and healthy and how to maintain optimal oral hygiene. We all want our furry friends to live their best lives and keeping their dental hygiene good is key to their overall health.

Check Their Breath

One of the first tell tale signs a dog’s teeth are unhealthy or experiencing problems is by the smell of their breath. It is completely natural for a dog's breath to not be the most pleasant smell in the world, however it should not be overwhelmingly foul. This is one of the first signs your dog may be suffering with some dental issues. Other obvious signs of bad dental health to look out for include: bleeding gums, dirty or discoloured teeth.

Regular Cleaning

Just as cleaning your teeth is important every day - the same applies to your furry friends. We recommend beginning teeth cleaning when they are a puppy and brushing their teeth every day so that they become accustomed to the routine. If however you are past the puppy stage, gradually introduce teeth cleaning to your dog. Be gentle as they will find the experience strange at first but as time proceeds, cleaning time will be as natural to them as dinner time. Vets also offer professional cleaning for your pet however it can be costly so you will want to learn how to do it yourself to maintain the best teeth possible. Special toothbrushes that can be placed over your finger may also make the brushing process easier. Human toothpaste however is not suitable for dogs and you will need to visit your local pet store to pick up the right cleaning paste for your dog’s teeth. If you are unsure of which type is best, ask your vet for recommendations, they may even stock a brand themselves!

Dog Dental Health - What You Need To Know


Every dog and dog breed is different when it comes to diet. However, for dental hygiene it is commonly recommended to feed your dog dry food as opposed to soft food to keep their teeth healthy. Soft or wet food will more typically stick to your pet's teeth and build up plaque over time. Dry food is considered better for your dog’s teeth as it is less likely to stick. Dry food also has the added benefit of encouraging your dog to chew their food properly and provide a mild cleaning effect on their teeth. Avoid hard chews and bones that may cause your dog's teeth to break. We recommend speaking to your vet however if you plan to make any dietary changes for your pet.

Dog Toys

All dogs love their chew toys and they are a great way to keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy. Nibbling and gnawing on their favourite chew toys keeps them both entertained and helps their teeth stay healthy. Willy & Dilly’s Rugby Balls provide the perfect chew toy for your pooch to maintain their oral health. With Antimicrobial Protection and made from 100% natural rubber and no harsh chemicals, you can be assured your dogs teeth are safe when chewing and playing with this toy.

Willy & Dilly Rugby Ball

Regular visits to the vet to examine your dog’s mouth and teeth can ensure problems are dealt with early on and avoids the risk of long term damage to their dental health. It is suggested that they have their teeth examined every six to twelve months. While there are a variety of products that help to keep your pets teeth clean, a professional clean by a veterinarian is the best way to maintain your dog's dental hygiene.

Related Blog: How To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth

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