Responsible Dog Walking Practices

There are many benefits to both you and your dog heading out for a daily walk. Health benefits, a chance to relax and a chance to bond with your furry four-legged friend on a daily basis doing something you both enjoy. Walks are the key to keeping your four-legged friend happy and healthy. A dog’s welfare can be greatly impacted by how they are walked and the interactions they have when out walking. However, it is important to teach your dog how to respect others and especially other animals when they are out for their walk. It is important you understand what it means to be a responsible dog owner. So we have put together a quick guide on responsible dog walking practices and things you need to be aware of when walking your dog.


There are legal requirements for your dog to wear a collar with the name and address of the owner inscribed or attached to it. In the unlikely event your dog gets separated from you, their collar and name tag will make it easier to locate them and bring them safely back to you. By ensuring your dog has the right identification you are protecting the safety of your dog when you take them out for a walk. Walking in the same place every day can get boring for your dog however when trying new places it is important your dog doesn’t get scared. Planning your route well and making sure you know it can also help in the unlikely event you and your dog get separated so be prepared as best you can.

Be Prepared

It can be difficult to prepare for every eventuality when taking your dog out for a walk and it can be difficult knowing what to bring, however we suggest these three items as essentials: Poop bags - you can be faced with a hefty fine if you fail to clean up after your dog, not to mention, you do not want to be responsible for another walker getting their shoes dirty. Always bring more than you think you’ll need! It is worth making a note of where the public bins are on your route so that you can dispose of the waste responsibly. A bottle of water is also a necessity, even if the weather isn’t warm your pet can get dehydrated very quickly. Lastly, a dog toy is essential, walking is supposed to be fun for your dog and we recommend the Solid Ball for hours of endless fun. By adding a toy that your dog enjoys to the walk, this can entice good behaviour and a reason to stay close to their owner.

Be Considerate

Unfortunately not everyone is as excited about dogs as we are, so it is important to respect the space and privacy of others when in public parks and spaces walking your dog. Keep your dog close on their lead at all times particularly if you are walking somewhere that is unfamiliar to your furry friend. You know your dog better than anyone else, but you never know what could startle them or excite them and cause your dog to act out. It is your responsibility to control your dog so that it does not scare or disturb farm animals or wildlife. Always remain cautious when close to others, particularly strangers and children. If you have followed our blog tips on Off Leash Training and enjoy walking your dog off their lead, be considerate when approaching others and consider putting your dog on the lead until they pass. Some people are intimidated by dogs rushing towards them and it is important to respect others when out. 

Whilst everyone walks their dogs in their own ways for their own reasons, by following this simple guide, you will ensure a pleasant walk for you and your dog, while remaining respectful of others and the environment you are in. 


Related Blog: How To Train Your Dog Successfully

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